Sunday, July 13, 2008

Havana Nights

Our master bedroom is a reflection of how our personalities are greatly in contrast yet it seems to all work together in the end. Just like what most people would say about having a successful relationship is that both should have the ability to make compromises.

I recount moments when we really felt enormous amount of tension once our differences were laid out on the table – warrant this was only when we went furniture shopping. He loves cherry finishes with heavy wood grains, contemporary art and mission style furniture while I on the other hand prefer European to Colonial finishes, a touch of gold opulence, quilts and damasks.

So instead of duking it out, Nick and I met halfway in decorating the master bedroom. We were uncertain how it would all look like in the end but all I can say is we both enjoy the space.

Though we have learned the very essence of being in a "relationship" I am still calling dibs on the den downstairs. Think Restoration Hardware meets Pottery Barn! After all he already took charge of the office.

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